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2014-02-04 02:17:16
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled softly as she walks with Lil."Well this is a fae princesses castle."

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: "Wow." Lili smiled, "My cousin knows a princess?"

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."Yes she does." She said as she walked to Rosetta and Victoria's room.

2015-11-18 [GlamGamer]: Lili smiled a little and followed behind her, "Wow this place is big.."

2015-11-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."It is, so please stay close. I don't want you running off."

2015-11-18 [GlamGamer]: Lili caught up to her, "Okay." She smiled a little.

2015-11-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled a little then she gently knocked on Rosetta and Victoria's room door.

2015-11-19 [GlamGamer]: Victoria was only just going back to her room, frowning a little when she saw Lilith. But then she saw her cousin, "Lili?" She had stopped walking.

"Tori!!" Lili yelled and ran to her cousin, jumping into Victoria's arms and holding her tightly. She finally let down her brave facade and started to cry.

2015-11-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled slightly when she saw Lil run over to Victoria then she frowned slightly when Lil started crying."I saved your cousins from one of the vampire terrorists. I am so sorry Victoria but your family as far as I am aware are dead. Killed by the terrorists and by Vampire law that makes you now Lady Victoria Lord of the Vampires. I understand that this is a lot to take in. I will give you your respected time." Lilith said softly as she still held Lil's little brother.

2015-11-24 [GlamGamer]: "O-of all of them? Not just my coven?" Victoria asked in a soft voice as she soothed her cousin. She moved closer to check on the baby boy, he just gave her a big smile before he went back to staring at Lilith.

2015-11-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Perhaps some of your family has escaped but that is unknown at this moment. However you are now leader of the vampire kind, lady Victoria and I look forward to doing business with you like I have always done with your family. It may have seem like I was absent from the vampire world but in fact I was very active. I will leave you and your cousins to grief for your coven and family for one week before getting in contact again." Lilith said softly then she walked over to Victoria and gave her the little baby boy. She knelt down in front of Lil and smiled."Do not fear little one I will make sure your family has its revenge." She held out a locket to Lil."Now this is a special locket it shows that you are a noble brave soul of your coven. Always be brave and stand for what is right, Lil. If you ever need anything let me know."

2015-11-24 [GlamGamer]: Victoria nodded a little, still trying to take it all in. She took her cousin into her arms and smiled at the baby, "Look at you Mr. Lucas, always so happy." She rocked him gently.

Lili sniffled and nodded, "Thank you." She swiped away her tears and did her best curtsy, though she was a bit wobbly, "You should talk to Lucifer.." She said, her head tilting to the side. "I think he'd like that...." She gave a little shrug and turned to Victoria, "I'm hungry Tori."

2015-11-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Trust me little one, I will be speaking with Lucifer." Lilith smiled slightly then she stood up and looked at Victoria."I will summon you in one weeks time." She said then she opened a portal to hell.

2015-11-24 [GlamGamer]: Victoria nodded a little and gave a half bow. She watched her go through the portal and then looked at Lili, "Alright, lets get you something to eat."

Lucifer was still sitting in his throne, looking up as soon as he felt Lilith enter Hell.

2015-11-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith raised an eyebrow when she saw Lucifer's staff cowering in fear as they went around doing their day to day business. She shook her head."Oh come on people, he can't be in that bad of a mood." She said as she went to find Lucifer.

"Oh but he is my Queen. King Lucifer is very angry but he will be happy now that his Queen is back."The demon servant smiled then he rushed off.

Lilith scoffed knowing her visit will piss him off even more and she soon found him in the throne room."I have some news for you and you won't like it either." She said from the door way.

2015-11-24 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at her and gave a little nod-shrug. "I have news for you also, but you will like it... So let's go with yours first." He waved a hand and just like that her throne was there next to him again. Then he shook his head and waved it again so the the two thrones became small couches and facing each other. It was a temporary thing, but he liked that he could change it even for a moment.

2015-11-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked over to the two sofas and she sat down and crossed her legs. "The Lord coven is dead apart from 3 members. I did discover a traitor vampire who tells me that he and others will....kill Wrath, Luciana, and your whole family because you broke my heart one to many times." She sighed."I have him locked up in my cells in my home. Now what is your good new that I will like?"

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer frowned a little, "Well, that's a good message to tell people if you want blind followers... There's something else behind the attacks, I think anyway.." He leaned back on the couch and gave a soft sigh. He'd been thinking long and hard on this and had made his decision. "I want you back, here at my side.. As my wife, mother of my children. Current and future."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Of course there is something else behind these attacks. If the vampires wanted to attack they would have after our third divorce." Lilith sighed. " want me back for as long as you can keep string me along with the promise of children. You'll side track me with a proposal of marriage again, I'll plan the wedding, we'll get married. A month or two later I'll bug you again for children and we'll keep doing this dance for five years until I divorce you again."

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer waved a hand, "I never signed the last divorce papers. Your lawyer was more scared of me than you at the time, so I told him to just tell you it was all done." He leaned forward. "I want you to understand though, this might make the war against me all that more important to the Angels. A demon and angel child is sought after and killed, but my child with a demon? I don't know how they'll react... And I don't know how the child will turn out. That's the only reason I've ever said no. I will do my best to protect you and our kids, but I can't guarantee that they'll ever see what's outside of hell, at least until I know they can fight for themselves."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your tell me that we're still married? Lucifer!"Lilith huffed then she sighed."The reason you have denied me children was because you feared your brothers would kill me while I was pregnant? Not all demon and angel children are killed. Take your son and daughter for example, both their mothers where demons. Lesser demons but demons none the less. I am sick and tired of your excuses for not giving me a baby but yet you give others babies....just not me. I understand that you care about what our child will be like but that doesn't matter to me. All I care about is having a baby of our own to raise and love just like you got twice with those lesser demons."

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed softly, "Both of their mothers were humans at the time of conception. I turned them to lesser demons after they died during pregnancy. It was just after their death, before the babies died or were hurt.." He frowned at her, "I did just say that I would give you as many babies as you want and you're arguing with me over the past? We weren't together when Wrath and Lucianna were conceived or born. I never had any intention of them even being born; I never intended to have kids. Ever. Not because I don't like them, but because I have seven brothers and their brats all gunning for my death and an asshole father that just vanished leaving them and me without any direction. My brothers don't hurt my kids because I don't hurt theirs. They treat my children like dirt and I adore every one of my nieces and nephews."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "My question is do you want to have children with me? Answer honestly and don't say you want children with me just so we can get back together again. I want to make sure that you really want to have a child with me, Lucifer because once we have that more divorces or anything like that." Lilith said softly.

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: "Of course I want children with you Lilith. You're the only one I've ever thought of having a family with. You're the only woman I ever wanted to be the mother of my children, but I made mistakes. Two big ones that ended up being the best mistakes I've ever made. The only reason I haven't had kids with you is because of my brothers, but, our kids will have both of us and two older siblings. And a few, very few but a few, cousins who will be there to protect them."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith stared at him for the longest of time trying to figure if he was telling the truth or not. She knew all his tells but when she saw none, she knew he was telling the truth."Your not lying...."Lilith whispered then she stood up and took a few steps and sat on Lucifer's lap, she cupped his face and kissed him softly.

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer put his arms around her, kissing her back gently. Once they'd had a few 'sappy' moments he smirked a bit, "Besides, it will be fun to try and get you pregnant."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith rolled her eyes a little as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Of course your mind went to sex."

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: "Lots and lots of it." Lucifer chuckled softly and then kissed her again. "So you'll be at my side again?"

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back and smiled."Yes, yes I will be by your side."

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: "Good." Lucifer smiled a little and kissed her again. "Now, I think you have a guest you have to question.."

Antoinette wasn't able to sleep so she quietly went to her dancing studio.

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back again."Actually we have a guest to question. He is using my people to hurt your its time he hurt very much."She smirked.

Luciana woke up a while ago, she went for a shower, got dressed then she left the room.

Rosetta left the room she shared with Victoria just to give Victoria some time with her cousins. She sighed softly as she rubbed her head gently.

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly, "Imagine how shattered his little mind will be to see us together."

Andre was in the living room. He'd watched his cousin sneak off, but hadn't said anything to stop her. Instead he was planning something a little sneaky. He wanted to know just what Wrath thought of his cousin, actually thought, so he'd sent word to Wrath from 'Antoinette' summoning him to the dance studio. Andre himself was going to go there in a few minutes.

Damion was sitting on the floor, telling a story to a group of kids about a fair maiden who could summon the most beautiful flowers.

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled softly."It will be amusing."

Luciana yawned as she walked past the living room then she backed up and walked in."Hey Frenchy."

Rosetta stopped in her tracks and smiled softly as she listened to Damion's story. She wiggled her fingers slightly and made flower petals fall gently from the ceiling and onto the children and Damion.

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled and gave her another kiss, not really wanting to get her off of his lap.

Andre looked at her and smiled a little, "Princess." He stretched out so he hopefully looked casual. He knew that if she found out he was trying to spy on her brother and his cousin, she'd probably kill him.

Damion smiled a little as the flower petals started to fall around them, "She had a heart that was pure and strong, who's magic could be used not only to make the most beautiful flowers in all the land, but could be used to protect her friends."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back softly then she got off his lap."Lets go have a chat with the vampire."

"What are you up to?" Luciana asked as she walked over to him.

Rosetta leaned against the wall as she watched Damion and the children.

2015-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "Alright, fine, but then we have more fun business to attend to."

Andre just shrugged, "Nothing, just relaxing for a little bit."

"How does she protect them?" One kid asked while twirling a flower petal in his hand.
Damion smiled a little, "Well, you see, she can create these strong vines. They're strong enough to stop bad creatures from hurting her friends, but gentle enough to catch her friends when they fall."

2015-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smirked."Deal."

Luciana narrowed her eyes a little."Right."

Rosetta smiled as she listened to the story.

2015-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled a little and got up, "Alright, let's go."

Andre shrugged, "You don't trust me, do you?" He asked and looked at the time.

A guard came up to Wrath, "Sir, the Princess would like to see you." He held out a note for him which had instructions for how to get to the dance studio.

Damion told them an epic tale of how the maiden saved her friend by using vines to catch him when he fell out of a tower window. It was oddly similar to what Rosetta had done for Damion when they were just children and his brothers had dared him to jump off the roof to prove he was brave enough to be a Protector.

2015-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled as she opened a portal to her home."I'll have to move in again." She said as she walked into the portal.

"No I don't. You set my nerves on edge."Luciana said as she sat down on the armchair.

Wrath looked over at the guard with a sigh as he took the note and read it."Fine."

Rosetta remember when Damion had jumped off the roof, she had worried so much and shouted and screamed until she was blue in the face at his brothers.

2015-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "I'll send some demons over when you're ready."

Andre gave a shrug and sigh, "Well, I suppose there isn't any changing that, so I suppose I'll leave." He stood up and walked over to her, giving her the remote.

The guard just shrugged a little, "I'm sure it is serious.. She doesn't usually allow anyone in there."

Damion finished the story with the two friends saving the day. At the end a girl crinkled her nose, "But didn't they kiss?"
Damion scratched the back of his head, "Well... No. They're just friends. She's a princess and he's just a guard, and one day her Prince will be there."

2015-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you." Lilith smiled as she appeared in her home just outside of the cells. Lilith's cells was top of the line and no supernatural creature could ever escape from.

"Bring snacks and soda when you get back while I finish us something better than this shit to watch."Luciana smiled at him.

Wrath sighed and walked out of the room and down the dance hall.

"The guard isn't just a guard he is the princess best friend and the one person she can trust. So he will never be just a friend."Rosetta said softly as she knelt behind the children, smiling at Damion.

2015-11-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer walked through behind her and looked around a bit.

Andre raised a brow and had to smile, "Alright..." He guessed he'd have to miss spying on her brother and his cousin because if he tried to leave now she'd most likely follow him. He went to kitchen and sighed a little, pulling out some food and sodas.

The music in the hall was on loud enough that she didn't notice Wrath walk in, and most of the room was dark except where she was. She took a sip from the whiskey bottle there in front of the mirror and then a quick pull off of a cigarette that would mostly burn itself out. She let so few people in here because it was her private studio, and the only place she practiced pole dancing. As soon as the song came on she pulled off her over sized shirt, leaving her in her bra, underwear and black stiletto heels. She was lost to the music though and started to dance. <>

The children looked at her and gasped a little, "Are you the princess in the story?" One girl asked.
"Yes she is." Damion said, smiling back to his friend, "Although I may have elaborated on our adventures.."

2015-11-29 [GlamGamer]: [I just realized that you may not be able to watch the video. lol. So it's a pole dance to a slowed down version of Crazy in Love by Beyonce..]

2015-11-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked over to the first cell, punched in the code, leaned down a little and got an eye scan then she waved her hand over the door and it opened. She walked into the room."Now we have some questions for you." She said calmly because she was controlling her anger.

Luciana searched for something to watch and she settled for Once Upon A Time.

Wrath got to her private dance studio and he opened the door a little and raised an eyebrow at her dancing.

"Yes he did elaborated our adventures very much. What he left off was after I saved him I shouted and screamed at his seven brothers then I covered them in itching powder." Rosetta giggled.

2015-11-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer walked in after her and shut the door, this place always made him nervous because even he wouldn't be able to get out of it. It was a wonder she hadn't locked him up in one yet.

The vampire looked at her and then to Lucifer, "You're with him?" Lucifer had been right. It seemed to crush the guy, or at least confuse him.

Antoinette was too into the music to notice him, but the songs had all been shortened because of how physically demanding most of her dances were. She noticed him after the song was done and went to a longer 'rest' song. She was sitting on the floor, facing him when she finally saw him. "Wrath?" She gave a soft 'ha' before reaching back and taking the whiskey and sipping it again. Normally she would have freaked out, but she was tipsy and a little worn out from the dance. "Want some? Or are you too afraid of guilty pleasures? I wouldn't want to spoil your innocence." She giggled at that.

"True, and the terrible monsters were just my brothers. They love her, so I'm pretty sure it was me they were trying to kill... They dared me to jump off of a roof and said that if I didn't, I was too scared and couldn't protect anyone." He chuckled.
The kids started laughing at that, then one boy snickered, "You were saved by a girl?... Ow!" He rubbed his arm when one of the girls smacked him.

2015-11-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes we are back together again. Now tell us who planned this little war or I will let my husband play with you and trust me he loves to play with knifes."Lilith smirked.

"I am far from innocence. Now why did you all me here?" Wrath asked.

Rosetta giggled softly."Girls are just as tough as boys."

2015-11-29 [GlamGamer]: The vampire looked anxiously at Lucifer and then to his hands. "The leader of the war.. Well it's two people, lovers I think... I've barely seen them, but their names are Talia and Marco... Two outcasts that started their own coven. Talia says she's seen you, in her dreams, wanting revenge on Lucifer and his kind for breaking your heart so often."

Antoinette raised a brow, "But you are afraid of guilty pleasures. That explains a lot.." She giggled and then it finally clicked for her what he'd said. With a tilt of her head she frowned at him, "I didn't call you doll... Maybe you're more innocent than you think... Or gullible."

Damion nodded a bit, "In fact, she helped save me today. Even though I'm sure I would have made it through, I'm much better off because she helped."

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Talia and Marco? Which coven do they belong too?" Lilith asked because she needed to know which coven so she could track them down and make them pay dearly.

Wrath smirked at her as he walked over to her, he crouched down drank the whiskey and he gripped her chin tightly."My guilty pleasures are none of your concern. I only came to this room because the guard had told me that you had requested me to see you. I figured that you had a plan to deal with the vampires not for me to see you being a stripper." He let go of her chin and stood up then walked away. Wrath's guilty pleasures are like that of Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl but he had very good control of his guilty pleasures when working.

Rosetta smiled softly at Teddy.

2015-12-01 [GlamGamer]: "Their own... They created it. It's some complicated Latin name. I don't remember."

"Try." Lucifer growled softly.

Antoinette clapped slowly and stood up, fallowing him. "Congratulations Wrath, you're as much of an asshole as your father and uncles. I didn't ask you here honey, it's not my fault if someone made a mistake. And I wasn't being a stripper, it's called being in shape. I don't want to be all bulky, no boobs no butt so I don't train like you. Now before you leave, I want my whiskey back."

Andre walked back in and set the drinks and food on the coffee table before sitting back down.

Damion looked at the kids, "Now, I'm sure you all have fresh beds to make, so get to it! I'll find out whats for dinner."

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Lucifer, darling, if you look in the top draw over there you will find a beautiful knife collection that you are more than welcome to use on our guest."Lilith said cheerfully as she glares at the vampire.

Wrath chuckled."More like my father than you know. I'll be keeping the whiskey because this mistake cost me time and effort and I feel like drinking." He walked out the studio, shutting the door behind him. He truly was a jackass.

"So I picked Once Upon A Time because I love the show." Luciana smiled at him then she looked at the snacks."Yes! You got the good stuff."

Rosetta smiled as she watched the kids run off to make there beds. Once they left Rosetta moved over to Damion and cuddled him."I'm sorry for being mean before."

2015-12-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer grinned a little, "Why thank you." He walked over.

"No, no, that's not. No, I'm working on it, I swear." The vampire closed his eyes tightly and started muttering Latin.

Antoinette rolled her eyes and just kept following him, "That is my favorite whiskey Wrath, if you think you can just walk away with it, think again."

Andre chuckled, "It's the only kind of stuff we keep in here."

Damion smiled and gave her a half hug, "It's alright."

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Work harder then and Lucifer won't have to hurt you."Lilith snarled.

"Tough shit princess."Wrath said then he sipped the whiskey.

Luciana smiled as she took the bowl of popcorn and started munching on it as she pressed play, she watched Once Upon A Time with Andre.

Rosetta wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest and she held onto him tightly."No it's not. I was a bitch. I'm so sorry Teddy."

2015-12-01 [GlamGamer]: "Valencia... No, wait, sorry.. Vi..Vitalis.. Vitalis." He said with a nod, "I know where they are."

Antoinette sighed and tried to take it back, "At least share."

Andre leaned back into the couch and decided to pay attention.

Damion chuckled, "How were you a bitch? I don't remember that."

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith raised an eyebrow."Vitails? And where are the Vitails?"

"No. Go away."Wrath said calmly.

Luciana curled up on the sofa and munched on the popcorn as she watched tv.

"Because I was mean to you when I pushed you away." Rosetta said softly.

2015-12-01 [GlamGamer]: "They started in Colorado, but they moved to Alexandria, Louisiana because it's close to the school... I've only been there once."

Antoinette noticed where they were in the hall and rolled her eyes, "Fine, but don't finish it. It's all that's left and they don't make it anymore." She stopped in the hall and opened up a hidden panel. When it was open there was four shelves of different alcohols, plus expensive cigars and cigarettes, "Help yourself, Lord and Satan know any man that can drive a woman to drink has already driven himself there." She pulled a bottle of vodka from the shelf and looked it over.

Andre watched with a raised brow, like he wasn't sure he liked it or not.

Damion shrugged, "You need your space sometimes Rose. I know that."

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "And do tell us the address."Lilith said with a smirk.

"No promises."Wrath chuckled as he walked back to the training room.

Luciana looked at Andre."Do you even like fairy tales?"

Rosetta shook her head."Never. I just got too much inside my own head and I'm figuring stuff out."

2015-12-01 [GlamGamer]: The vampire looked terrified, "I don't.. I don't have the address, but it's there, I know it is. Or it was a month ago."

"I'll skin you alive cupcake!" Antoinette shouted after him. It was the last of her father's favorite whiskey. She honestly didn't like whiskey, but drank that kind because he had.

Andre shrugged a bit, "Yeah, I guess. I mean, being a fairy prince can change your mind on some things."

Damion smiled and hugged her again. "Chill Rose, it's not anything to fret over."

[I gotta get going for a bit, sorry]

2015-12-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well thank you very much for your time but you will stay here until I have killed every last fucking Vatails member." Lilith said then she walked over to Lucifer and she took his hand in hers."Lets go, darling. we're finished here."

Wrath rolled his eyes.

"Change your mind on what things?" Luciana asked.

Rosetta nodded a little as she cuddled him.

[no worries am going to bed soon]

2015-12-02 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer took her hand and kissed the back of it. "I may actually know where this place is.."

Antoinette went back to the dance studio, brooding about Wrath. She kept muttering to herself about having to get over him; that he was a worse addiction than cocaine.

Damion smiled and held her close. "Now... Let's see what food we can help make for the band of children."

2015-12-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled softly."Well lets go on a field trip then."

Wrath left the whiskey on one of the hallway tables then the walked into the training room. He needed to get his control back.

Rosetta held onto Damiom for a moment then she let go of him and stood up."Sure." she smiled.

2015-12-03 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and opened a portal, "I've already sent word to the hounds to meet us there. I don't want these vampires freaking out and us having to take forever to get through them all."

Antoinette pulled her shirt back on and sighed heavily. She turned the music down and changed it to classical music, then pulled on her ballet shoes. "I am not a stripper." She told her reflection sternly, and she had half a mind to see which one of them could hold their body in the straight out in the air the longest. She finished the lit cigarette and sipped the vodka she'd brought before doing some stretches. "Screw him." She muttered, finally getting it out of her system.

Damion stood and walked to the kitchen with her. There were people everywhere, and the food smelled amazing.

2015-12-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."Wonderful." She said as she stepped through the portal.

"They need some veggies, Teddy."Rosetta smiled as she entered the kitchen.

2015-12-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer stepped through after her and closed it behind them. The hounds were all waiting for them, some of them came up and greeted Lilith, the others were too young to know her that well so they stuck close to Lucifer for the most part.

Damion nodded, "Yes Ma'am." He saluted her and went off to find veggies from the fridge.

Andre sighed a little, "That it isn't glamorous, any part of it, and that falling in love happens rarely before the wedding.. At least in my world. Most Fae are traditionally in arranged marriages, the pairings have to be approved by the Queen of France- our Queen anyway, not the human one- and my sister can be cruel. She'll reject a pairing of people who are in love just because she can."

"Speaking so fondly of my Andre... And I wasn't even here for it." A woman with a very thick accent said from the archway.Vous et votre petite amie ressembler poubelle commune , manger l'ordure et regarder un spectacle basé sur les contes pour enfants . Comment très américain et sans originalité." Andre's sister looked cold, like a statue, stunning but she was perfectly etched, no emotions. ((What she said:You and your girlfriend look like common trash, eating junk and watching a show based on children's tales. How very American and unoriginal.))


2015-12-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith petted the hounds that greeted her."Lets end these traitors." She said to Lucifer.

Rosetta chuckled as she set up a chopping board and she grabbed a few knifes.

Luciana looked over at Andre's sister with one eyebrow raised."Oh sweetie I may look like common trash to you but at least am not a frigid bitch like you." She said sweetly with a smile as she flips her off. She gasped."Oh was that rude? I'm so sorry, well not sorry."

2015-12-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded, talking a moment to open a small portal to his weapons, pulling out his sword, "Anything for you my love?"

Damion walked over to her, arms full of the things they needed to make a salad.

Andre stood as soon as his sister spoke, a tick working in his jaw. But he smiled and bowed, "Lady Amabella." He said formally and then stepped over to her, kissing her cheek because he knew she hated it. "Where is Alexandre?" He said, ignoring what his sister had said.

Amabella barely recognized that Luciana had spoken, except to glance at her before her brother approached. "He's finding his bride of course. I decided that we simply cant waste time any longer, this horrible business didn't even happen in France and once the palace was attacked, well, I knew that Antoinette was no queen. I will be governing over the Fae here as well, though I imagine we will have many refugees to France once they know they are safer there." She waved her hand, "Oh don't look so sad Andre, we'll all be home in France in no time." She grabbed his chin and squished his cheeks like he was a child. Then she basically shoved him away by his chin, and her grip had been tight enough to leave red marks on his skin.

2015-12-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith shook her head."No. I don't need any weapons apart from theses."She raised her hands and her nails grew to blades.

Rosetta chopped and diced up the veggies like a pro chef.

"Aw hell no."Luciana snarled as she stood up and looked at Andre."Don't watch the end of the episode until I return. I have some trash to kick out." She smiled then she glared at Amabella as she passed her and whispered so softly."Watch your back, bitch." She walked out the room calmly. Once she was out she ran like the wind and went to find Antoinette. She knew if Alexandre was here...well shit would hit the fan.

2015-12-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and closed the portal before walking towards the house with her. The hounds ran back and forth, going a little bit ahead of them before coming back.

Damion was a bit slower, so he stuck with cutting the easy things like lettuce.

Amabella looked to her guards, "Follow her, if she even raises her voice to Alexandre... Kill her." She said calmly before looking at Andre. "Oh, don't be so dramatic looking brother. We'll find you another Angel whore."

Andre shook his head, "Amabella, she's Lucifer's only daughter. If you even look at her funny she wont hesitate to kill you, her brother would rip you limb from limb, and I don't even want to know what the King of Hell would do."

Antoinette was with her cousin, and they were arguing which was typical. He was dragging her down the hallway as they argued. Just after they passed the training room, Antoinette finally got free. "Listen clearly Alexandre, I wont be marrying you!" She took a few steps back to get out of his reach.
Alexandre closed the distance between them easily, grabbing a fist full of her hair and pulled her up so she was standing on her toes. "You listen here, little bitch."

2015-12-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked to the house with Lucifer while the hounds ran around.

Rosetta smiled at Teddy while she chopped veggies."I guess the kids could do with some chicken or beef."

"I would let go of my best friend or I'll kill you, dumbass."Luciana smirked as she held the tip of her sword to Alexandre's neck.

Wrath held his sword to Alexandre's back."I would listen to my sister, you piece of scum. "He snarled.

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: The clearing out of the house was easy, at least until people realized what was happening and started to run. Lucifer showed no mercy, except the children, which were rounded up by the hell hounds to be handled later.

"The cooks are already working on the meal.. We've been assigned salad duty." Damion said with a grin as more veggies were rolled over to them.

Alexandre narrowed his eyes, but only took the threat seriously when he felt the sword against his back. His own gaurds drew their weapons and were soon joined by Amabella's. At that time Antoinette's guards looked confused, weapons drawn, but not really sure who to engage if a fight broke out. He smirked, putting a knife to Antoinette's throat, "Go ahead, stab me, I'll slit her throat as I fall."

Amabella glared at her younger brother, "Arrest him for treason.. I'll hang him in a moment." She hurried down the hall, it wasn't hard to find them, "Enough!" She snapped and then gained her composure once more. "Release your dear bride brother, I'm sure its a misunderstanding. Men, lower your weapons."

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith showed no mercy except to the children. As the vampires ran she ran a few demanding to see Talia and Marco.

"Awesome."Rosetta smiled as she chopped and diced.

"Or I could just do this, sweetheart?" Luciana smirked as she dropped her sword then she stepped forward, she gripped Alexandre's wrist, tightly as she pulled the blade from Antoinette's throat then she grabbed her friend pushing her towards Wrath."Oh and by the way, sweetcheeks. If you ever hurt my friend, be rude to her...or anything I find unsettling I will do more than breaking your wrist. I will kill you oh so slowly and I will take enjoy and pleasure from it." She smiled happily as she broke his wrist then she looked at Amabella."Same goes for you too, bitch face."

Wrath wrapped his arms protectively around Antoinette as his pure white wings wrapped around them."Your family is....strange, princess."

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer let her deal with the leaders, but when the house was nearly emptied he frowned because the leaders were no where to be found.

Damion chuckled softly.

Alexandre growled and held his wrist, he looked ready attack Luciana, but his sister called his name and shook her head.

Amabella walked over to them, "Go over there, I'll handle this." She looked at Luciana, "You may be Hell's princess, but I am Queen here. Allow us to handle our own kingdom and you handle yours." She was still calm and cold about it. "I'm sure your King would agree that you have no business interfering with our business. I am glad Antoinette has such loyal friends, but I would hate for war to keep you two apart."

Antoinette looked up at him, "The word you were searching for was 'fucked'; as in fucked up.." Her voice trailed off as she stared up at him. After a moment she shook her head a little, "You don't need to pretend to care Wrath, just because your sister does. Luciana is a strong woman, she would live if anything happened." She said as she gently tried to push herself away from him. She needed distance from him if she was ever going to get over her stupid infatuation, and she had to tell herself that he didn't care about her- she had to believe that or Gods help her, she would never get him off her mind. "Where is Andre, Amabella?" She said when she realized she couldn't go to her cousin and feel almost as safe as she did with Wrath.

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith had rounded up some vampires in the main hall."Where are they? I am your queen, your creator and you will tell me!"She shouted in a distorted voice because her fangs had grew.

Rosetta hummed softly as she chopped and diced veggies then she separated them into the correct bowls.

Luciana chuckled."Oh please you've never met my father. He loves a good war."She stepped closer to Amabella with a look that could kill."I would gladly go to war for Antoinette because she is my best friend, bitch, and no one hurts my friends." She glared at Amabella with so much hate then she blinked and looked at Antoinette."Oh yeah where is Frenchie? I figured he would have followed after I bolted from the room." She looked Amabella."Hey bitch face queenie, what did you do to Andre?"

"I've never pretended."Wrath whispered softly as he ran his hands up and down her back, he knew it was safe because his wings shielded them. He kept a tight hold on Antoinette and sadly his control was slightly slipping.

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer watched them snarling when no one spoke up. He grabbed the nearest vampire and ripped his head head off, "Answer her!" He commanded. But they just coward in fear more.

"They're pretending to be kind to Fae... There are children on the move to the palace, orphans, they're going to kill them and leave their bodies at the palace gates." A young man said. He'd been put with the children because he was only fourteen,but he'd been old enough to know the plans.

Damion listened to her,smiling a little as she hummed,"I wish you would sing sometimes." He said softly, "Your voice is amazing."

Amabella's calm was beginning to fade. She narrowed her eyes, "How my kingdom is run is none of your business little girl. My cousin has no power, though she believes she does. She will do as her Queen commands." She looked at Antoinette and gave a slight shrug, "He is doing his duty to his people and coming home. He will be punished for attempting to start a war between us and Hell... He may even hang for treason." She sighed,"I really don't know, he has no one there to defend him."

Antoinette's eyes went wide when he said that. She quit pushing away, shivering as his hands ran along her back. "Wrath.." She whispered. But then Amabella's words hit her and she turned to her, "You're charging him with treason?"

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith looked at the boy."And why do they want the far dead?"

"My voice is okay..." Rosetta said softly as she blushed.

"Shut the fucking front door! Your going to hang your own brother? Damn girl your crazy. So why are you charging him with treason? What was so bad that your going to kill her own brother?" Luciana glared at Amabella.

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: "They believe that vampires should be the only race.. They plan on attacking others too, but they're taking out the Fae because they want to make sure everyone knows they mean business.. They're killing the children because they want to make sure people know they'll stop at nothing." He said quietly.

"No, my voice is just okay. Yours is beautiful." Damion said

Amabella held a hand up when Luciana spoke to her again, her attention still on Antoinette. "His trial will be in France, so if you want to be there and tell me why you believe he didn't commit treason, you will leave with me now." She said sternly, "I will not permit you to speak if you come later."

Antoinette bit her lip because she knew this was a trap, but she couldn't let her cousin die just because she wanted to stay here and talk to Wrath. With his wings still blocking everyone's views, she reached up and pulled off her necklace. Then she pulled his arms from around her and put the necklace in his hands. "I'll be home with Andre after the trial, a week tops.. Will you and Luciana take care of the people while I'm gone?"

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith had always know that the vampires had always thought of themselves as superior to every other race. However she never thought they would take it this far."I see. What is your name, child?"

"Teddy..." Rosetta said softly.

Luciana's eye twitched a little when Amabella ignored her. She hated being ignored.

Wrath nodded."Yeah. We'll see you both in a week."

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: "Claude... The female leader, she's my half sister... But I don't believe as she does Lady Lilith, I didn't know what to do.."

Damion popped a tomato in his mouth and looked at her, "Hmm?"

Antoinette stepped away from him and hugged Luciana before giving her a smile, "I'll be home in no time." Then she walked to her cousin, "Shall we?"

Amabella smirked a little, she loved having control. She gave a satisfied sigh, "Yes, I think we shall." She turned and walked away with Antoinette trailing behind them. Alexandre put his arm around her and smirked back to Wrath.

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Talia's half brother?" Lilith asked with a slight smirk.

"Oh my mother just ate a tomato." Rosetta's jaw dropped.

Luciana hugged Antoinette tightly."You call and text every hour." She whispered as she watched her friend go with Amabella and Alexandre."I want to kill them."

Wrath nodded slightly."Yes I know that feeling, Luc but sadly there is nothing we can do. Well at least until Alexandre and Amabella's souls come to hell then we can have fun."

Luciana frowned as she wrapped her arms around herself as she chewed on her bottom lip with worry.

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: Claude gulped a little and nodded, "I know that I must die for my connection to Talia and Marcus... I am nearly an adult and should have acted as one."

Damion chuckled softly, "I wanted to see what the fuss was about."

The group got outside before Antoinette stopped dead in her tracks. She shrugged Alexandre off of her and looked to the palace guards standing at the doors. "If you are faithful to me, take Andre into your posession. Now."

Amabella raised one perfect brow, "Antoinette, dear, I'm afraid you've hit your head." Her 'smile' which looked more like a grimace disappeared when the guards stepped forward, weapons drawn and more began to join them, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I've gotten very good at texting without looking at my phone. I know what you're trying to do, and I wont stand for it any longer. My kingdom is splitting from yours. Now, you can send in troops for war, but look around. Right now you're outnumbered. So, I suggest you leave and allow the split to be peaceful... Or declare war and you wont make it into the air." Antoinette said coldly.

2015-12-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith patted Claude's cheek."I won't kill you yet. Your far too valuable." She smirked."Now tell me everything about Talia and Marco."

Rosetta just stared at him in shock.

Wrath put his arm around Luciana and walked into the training room and poured them two glasses of red wine."This will help."

Luciana took the glass."Hope so."

2015-12-07 [GlamGamer]: "Marco is the really crazy one, or at least that's what I thought.. Talia had a mate before him, he died protecting an Elemental family. She was so heartbroken afterwards that her mood became sour. She hated everyone, even other vampires for a while. Then she met Marco, and he hated people just as much as she did. They fell in love and became mates, but no one knew they had this planned. Talia was our father's child from an affair.. Father offered her to join our coven but she wanted to be alone, or make her own, so when she and Marco became mated they started their own coven. It was mostly just friends who shared their opinions... Then Marco came in and kidnapped me, over a year ago, I haven't been outside of this house since... They grew quickly, Talia came up with the idea that they could bring people in saying that we were getting revenge for you... She even claimed that you told her yourself. She stole one of your pendants from someone, I don't know who, as proof that you'd picked her and Marco." Claude looked down, "I let them think they'd brainwashed me so I could know their plans... But they never did trust me enough to let me have access to the outside world."

Damion chuckled and popped a tomato into her mouth since it was sitting open.

Amabella gritted her teeth, her hands in fists at her side. "I should hang you for this." She hissed, but when she looked around she knew Antoinette was right, she was too outnumbered. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "At least allow Alexadre to be examined by one of your doctors. Your friend did break his wrist." She opened her eyes and squared her shoulders. "We will discuss the terms of your separation inside."

Antoinette shook her head, "No, I have a war to deal with. I will write out my terms and invite you back when they're finished. I want you to leave. Now." She stepped back because Amabella started throwing a fit like a toddler, screaming about how it wasn't fair. She was eventually pulled into the car by her brother and guards. Then they left.

Andre grinned a little as his cuffs were released, "Luciana and Wrath are bad influences... I love it."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "So they believe that vampires should be the only race in charge? What fools they are."Lilith said as she tried to calm herself. She was anger at the fact that this Talia and Marco had used her sinful name to aid their plans. No one used Lilith, she uses others but never the other way around. She lifted Claude's chin gently and looked at him."Now listen to me, child, you will see the outside world but first I need you to tell me where Talia and Marco are. I will protect you from them."

Rosetta took the tomato out her mouth."You....ate a vegetable. I'm calling your mother. Your ill or something." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and speed dialled his mother.

"Life sucks. Maybe dad was right that we should have just stayed in hell." Luciana sighed as she drank her red wine.

"Don't worry sis, we'll get them back. We just need to go in like the expendables. We will rain hell upon that bitch and her cunt of a brother."Wrath growled.

"Thank granddady for that! So whats the plan, bro?" Luciana asked she laid on the floor of the training room.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Claude honestly thought she was going to kill him when she lifted his chin. He relaxed, just a little when she didn't, and nodded. "St. Maria's orphanage... They left it alone on purpose, they want people to think it's safe. Especially for the children.."

Damion shook his head a little, taking the phone and hanging it up. "Rose, it's just a tomato, I didn't sit down to eat a salad. Besides, my mouth is all itchy now... And you were going to say something.."

Antoinette smiled a little and then turned and went inside. She practically ran back to the training room, hoping they'd still be there. She listened at the door for a little before coming in and leaning against the door, "You know, ever since you two came into my life I've been terribly disobedient and extremely stubborn."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith let go of his chin then she looked at Lucifer."Looks like we have a new field trip." She smiled.

"I think I'd faint or die if you ate a salad." Rosetta said softly.

Luciana sat up and smiled at Antoinette."Antoinette!" She got up and ran towards her, hugging her tightly

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded, "Good... Shall the hound finish the rest of these fools and then take the kids to your house? Or somewhere else?"

Damion chuckled softly, "I'll remember that." He went back to cutting veggies.

Antoinette hugged her back and laughed softly. "I'll have to prepare a speech or something so everyone knows... I split from France, I'm hoping its peaceful, but who knows."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Let the hounds finish off the fools and the children may go to my home." Lilith smiled.

"So strange...." Rosetta whispered.

"Shut the fucking front door! Your divorcing France?! Fuck...." Luciana gasped then she grinned."Good for you. Its about time you stopped being a door mat." She smiled.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and gave the comand to the hounds before looking at Claude, "Which direction is the orphanage. I've never been there."

Claude gave them directions before a hound came to him and started pushing him towards the ports.

Damion shrugged, "Well yeah." He chuckled.

Antoinette smiled, "Well I knew I wouldn't ever see you two again. I know her, there was never going to be a trial for Andre.. I would have to marry Alexandre if I wanted to save him.. And then I thought well screw that,this is my home."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded once she got the directions then she looked at Lucifer."Lets go and play." She smiled.

Rosetta glanced at Damion with a look of worry.

"Please tell me you bitch slapped the bitch." Luciana smirked

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly, "With pleasure" he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Damion just shook his head and grinned. "They're terrible by the way. I cant believe you've tried to get me to eat them."

Antoinette smiled and shook her head, "No.. I'm not that daring yet. And like I said, I want it to be at least a little peaceful."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiles then she opened a portal to the orphanage.

"Tomatoes are amazing." Rosetta smiled.

"Can I at least kill Amabella and Alexandre? Please?" Luciana smiled.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer helped her through the portal, signaling for the children there to be quiet.

"It will be easier to have them walk Marco. Then, when we're there, we'll slit their throats. Easy." Talia said with a soft chuckle.

Damion smiled a little, "I've just had one, they taste terrible."

Antoinette chuckled, "If they start a war with us then yes, yes you can."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked into portal and smiled softly at the children."Shhh...." She whispered.

"You have no sense of taste what so ever." Rosetta teased

"Sweet."Luciana smiled and hugged Antoinette again.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: They cuddled in closer together, but didn't say anything.

"Fine, you're probably right I just can't think with ALL OF THIS FUCKING CRYING!!!" Marco yelled at the kids, looking deranged.

Damion shook his head, "No I have wonderful taste."

Antoinette hugged her back and then looked at her phone, "Andre says he's going to watch it without you... I don't know what that means.."

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith hide with Lucifer in a closet."So what's the plan? And if you say seven minutes in heaven then I will slap you." Lilith whispered with a grin.

"Oh really now?" Rosetta raised an eyebrow at him.

"He better not or I'll hang him!" Luciana let go of Antoinette and ran out of the room to the living room."Andre!"

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer grinned a bit,"Well, more like seven minutes in hell. Its much more fun." He peeked out of the closet and frowned, "Pop out and scare the tar out of them.. See what happens."

Damion smirked and nodded, "Yup."

Antoinette watched her leave and smiled a little, then looked at Wrath. She blushed a little

Andre smirked a little, he was sitting on the couch, munching popcorn. The how was still paused though.

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Deal." Lilith smiles a little then she stormed out of the closet."Oh my look what my children are doing. Tut tut such naughty naughty children." She smirked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Prove it." Rosetta smirked.

"Princess." Wrath nodded then he tossed her necklace back at her.

"Andre!" Luciana panted heavily as she kicked the living room door open.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Talia and Marco both spun around to face her, and their expressions went from confusion to surprise and then to horror.

Lucifer stepped out, "I didn't think vampires could become that pale."

Damion chuckled softly, "Alright." He set down his knife and walked away.

Antoinette caught the necklace and frowned a little, "So, we're back to that? And i guess you were hoping I'd forget what you said?"

Andre looked at her, "I hope you can fix that." He said, mouth full of popcorn.

2015-12-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled."Neither did I and I created them. Now Talia, Marco I will only tell you this once and once only. Stop this war. If you don't I will kill you both and all your followers."

"Where are you going?" Rosetta asked as she set her knife down and followed him.

Wrath shrugged a little.

"Oh my granddaddy! You started without me?! How could you?!" Luciana glared as she put her hands on her hips.

2015-12-08 [GlamGamer]: Marco looked at his mate and the to Lilith, "But, why wouldn't you want us to finish our work? The rest of these creatures don't call you their goddess, and that is what you are!"

Talia glared at Marco, "Oh drop the act, you don't care about her or others worshiping her."

Lucifer tlraised his brow, "I cant tell for certain, by I think that was a no my dear."

Damion went to the fridge and rummaged around, "Proving I have better taste."

Antoinette sighed and walked over, picking up Luciana's wine and topped it off, "Fine Wrath, you win, I wont bother you anymore." She left the room, glass in hand.

Andre chuckled, "You think I would dare?" He pointed, the show was still paused, "I got bored."

2015-12-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "I do believe you are correct, honey. I think that was a no. Do tell them what happens when I get told no." Lilith pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest. She hated the word no.

"Honey?" Rosetta smirked a little.

Wrath sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He was glad that she was giving up because she deserved more than the Prince of Hell. She needed to marry one of her own kind, be queen and be happy. However he was gutted that she had given up on him but he knew things wouldn't end well.

"I would have killed you if you had unpaused the show." Luciana said softly as she panted slightly and she walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him.

2015-12-11 [GlamGamer]: "Well, it depends on who says it... For you two," He addressed the couple, "I imagine that.." He trailed off and looked at the kids, "Cover your ears.." He waited and nodded, turning to the couple, "She's going to rip your heart out where you're standing and then shove it down your throat.. She really hates the word no. Now, are you sure no is your final answer?" Lucifer asked.

Marco looked at Talia and then looked at Lilith, "I will stop, as will she.."

Damion scoffed, "Ha, I eat other things... Not a lot, but still.." He pulled out some strawberries and a raspberry.

Antoinette stopped outside of the training room, leaning against the door. She took a deep breath and tilted her head back to keep any tears from falling. "No point in crying over a boy.." She told herself before pushing away and starting down the hallway.

Andre grinned a little, "That I have no doubt of." He held out a drink to her, "Here, this will help you catch your breath." He chuckled softly.

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked over to Marco and Talia."You two are lying to me and I hate liers. Darling could you be a dear and send the children to your brothers. I'm sure they will help the little ones find homes. I need to be alone to teach these two some manners but I won't kill them. I thought we could do that together." She smirked.

"Your diet is very limited to junk food, honey and fish."Rosetta said bluntly but with a smile.

Wrath finished off his wine with a sigh then he tossed the glass against the wall with a growl. He stood up and walked over to the radio and turned it on, then he found a rock CD. He blasted the tunes while he trained.

Luciana took the drink off him as she shifted and put her legs on his lap while she leaned against the arm of the sofa."Thanks. Antoinette says I can kill your sister if there is a war. I am kinda hoping there will be just so I can kill her and your brother. However if there isn't a war I can wait until they die and just hurt there souls in hell." She smiled happily. She truly was crazy.

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and signalled to the children, "Can you all come with me? I know some people who are going to help find you homes and families." He picked up two younger kids who seemed to scarred to move and the rest followed him down the hallway. His ability to make portals into Heavan were limited, but he managed to do it and handed the kids off.

Damion put a hand over his heart, "That hurts." He pouted a little as he finished pulling out the fruits he wanted. Then he started to put together a fruit salad and found some nuts, adding them too.

Antoinette went to her room and made a bath, turning on some music. She slipped into the bath, leaning back and closibg her eyes. She only let one tear slip down her cheek, angrily brushing it away.

Andre just chuckled a little. "Hell, I give you permission to do it now.." He frowned a little, looking at his hands. "They weren't. They weren't always so cold, so cruel. Our parents, especially our father was a mean old bastard and we used to have a pact that we'd never be like them."

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith grabbed Talia and Marco's throats, pushing them up against the wall while she waited for Lucifer."Such naughty children you are for causing so much trouble. Tut tut."

"Don't be sad Teddy, I still love you, junk food and all." Rosetta smiled brightly.

Luciana nodded." Wrath and I had a pact like that...that soon ended. There is no fighting what you are, in the end you just have to give in and embrace what you are. And in this case your sister is a cold bitch and your brother is a cunt."

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Marcus struggled, "Please, I'm not lying!" He yelped. Talia just rolled her eyes at Marcus, "Put me down bitch." she growled. "You're just weak."

Damion picked up the bowl and walked back to the salad stuff, adding lettuce and a little spinach to the fruits and mixed it up. Then he drizzled raspberry vinaigrette and a tiny bit of honey on it. "Now this is a good salad."

Andre raised a brow, "What about me then? I was raised the same way they were."

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith looked at Talia with a slight smile."Weak? How cute." She said as she bared her fangs then she bashed Talia's head against then wall then she made her nails grow to the length of talons, her talons forced there way into Talia's neck."So cute."

"It looks good and smells lovely." Rosetta smiled at Damion.

"Meh there always someone who has to be the black sheep of the family."Luciana shrugged.

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Talia snarled and kicked her legs out, dragging her nails down Liliths arm

Lucifer came back and growled deeply, going over and breaking each of Talia's legs.

Damion grinned, "That's cause I have better taste." he winked.

Andre chuckled softly, "So who's the black sheep of your family?"

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith hissed in pain when Talia clawed her arm."Bitch!" She let go of Talia, so Lucifer could have fun with her. She jabbed her talons in and out of Marco's stomach.

"When it comes to healthy food? Um no."Rosetta chuckled.

"My dad. Well think about it my whole family are angels and then you have my dad who started some bullshit war against grandpa which got dad sent to Hell. He shagged around, got married about a billion times to a woman who he turned into demon. Then he knocked up Wrath's mother, then knocked up my mother and became a single parent with a evil kingdom to rain over while he was always fighting with his ex wife." Luciana shrugged.

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer started breaking each of her fingers in multiple places.

"Yup." Damion nodded, indicating to his food." This prooves it."

Andre nodded a little, "I heard the fight between Lucifer and God happened because he refused to bow to humans, or worship them the way he did God.."

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith enjoyed listening to Marco's screams as she slowly killed him.

"Really?"Rosetta asked as she picked up a fork then she ate a mouthful. She moaned softly and nodded her head, she really enjoyed the salad and safe to say that Damion has proved her wrong.

Luciana shrugged."Dad won't even tell me or Wrath the true about what happened. The only other person that actually knows what happened between dad and grandpa and that would be Lilith."

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer killed Talia slowly, her screams mixing with Marcus'. It was like music to his ears. Once the woman was dead he walked to Lilith and kissed her neck.

Damion just grinned a little, "See, you don't need nasty tomatoes or squash... Or anyy of those gross things."

Andre nodded a little. "Your dad seems to really love Lilith though.. When they were here, he looked at other women but there was something different in the way he looked at her."

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled as her neck arched slightly while her hand thrusted up into Marcus's chest, she gripped his heart and with a smirk she ripped it out of his chest and crushed it in front of his face.

"Tomatoes and squashes are amazing."Rosetta said softly.

"Yeah they really love each other but yet they keep getting divorced." Luciana shrugged.

2015-12-28 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little, "You know it turns me on when you do that..." He murmured.

Damion shook his head, "I just ate a tomato, it made my throat itchy.."

Andre nodded, "Bet that was a bundle of fun." He said softly, looking at her, "Sorry, I don't mean to bring up painful events."

2015-12-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith hummed a little with a slight smile on her face as she licks the blood off her hand."I know, darling."

"Your such a strange teddy bear."Rosetta said softly as she hugged Damion.

Luciana shrugged."Meh as fun as divorce can be. It wasn't painful as was more confusing. It was like they both lived in this world that didn't include myself or Wrath. I don't know how to explain it but its the best I got."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly and nibbled her neck, kissing again after that.

Damion smiled a bit and hugged her, "I know."

Andre nodded a little, "Like you're a by product of their little world, pushed to the outside of the 'what we care about' bubble... And then all of a sudden you're pulled into again before being pushed out again." He looked at her and smiled a little, "Antoinette gets that way sometimes... She doesn't mean to, she would never do it on purpose. But have you noticed that just about everyone and everything disappears for her around your brother? She's my best friend, the only thing I have that resembles a sister, but he walks in and I'm gone until she needs me.."

Antoinette had finished her bath, was in the kitchen when she heard her cousin say that. She frowned a little because she didn't like hearing that. After that she set down the drink she'd been getting and left before either of them noticed her there. She pulled her robe closer to her as she wandered upstairs.

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back as she cupped his face in her hands.

Rosetta smiled as she held onto him.

Luciana nodded."Yes, that's right. The bubble....."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer deepened the kiss, smirking a little as he pulled him close.

Damion smiled a bit, "Shall we finish the veggies and then help where we can?"

Andre chuckled softly,"If only there was a way to pop that fucking thing." He said and then sighed a little

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith moved her hands from his face and around his shoulder as they kiss.

Rosetta nodded."Okay." She smiled.

Luciana shrugged."I doubt we could break the bubble."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer pulled her in close, holding her with one arm while he made a portal to his home behind them.

Damion smiled a bit and tickled her before she could walk away. Then he went back to the salad stuff and finished cutting the lettuce.

Andre sighed and shrugged, "Probably not. Unless you point it out." He frowned, "I don't think I could do that to Antoinette though. SHe'd probably start crying.."

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nibbled on his jaw line as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Teddy!" Rosetta giggled.

"She's a lot stronger than you give her credit for." Luciana said softly."The bubble can never be broken. Hell when dad and Lilith divorced they still had the bubble."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer walked her backwards carefully through the portal, closing it behind them. He smirked a bit and ran his hands over her hips.

Damion gave her an innocent look, "What, I didn't do anything.."

Andre nodded, "I know she's strong, but she's also extremely dedicated to the people she loves. If she knew for one second that I'd said something like that it would hurt her." He looked at her and smiled, "Do you think Lilith and Lucifer will get together again? Do you even want them to?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith followed him into the portal, kissing his neck.

Rosetta rolled her eyes and batted his arm.

"Lilith is the only mother I have ever known. I do want them back together just without the stupid bubble." Luciana said with a shrug.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little, "I'm going to have a lot of fun making our kids." He grinned and leaned in, kissing her neck.

Damion smiled a bit, "What? I'm just a sweet bear."

Andre nodded, "Well. Maybe that will happen." He said and looked at the tv, having no idea what was going on in the show anymore.

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith laughed softly."Me too." She arched her neck.

"You are a sweet teddy bear."Rosetta batted him again with a smile.

"Hopefully."Luciana said softly then she looked at the tv."Damn we've missed a lot."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little and backed her up towards the bed.

Damion chuckled softly. Once all of the food had been cooked, a bell rang out calling people to the dining hall for food. First it was the kids, while nurses took food to the injured.

"Yeah we did... Who the hell is that?" He raised a brow

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith turned him around and she pushed him onto the bed with a smirk on her face. She slowly stripped off her clothes for him then she and Lucifer got practising.

Rosetta got the childrens dinner all plated and on the large dinning table.

"Oh my grandpa! That's captain hook."Luciana grinned."Sexy as hell pirate." She smiled.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion helped her get it all plated and on a cart to roll it around to all of the kids.

Andre raised a brow, "Captain Hook? Seriously?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta hummed softly as she poured glasses of water for the children.

"Andre look at how sexy the actor they picked! He's Irish. Like take me now sexy pirate." Luciana chuckled.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion passed out the dinner salads and plates of food.

Andre just chuckled softly and then shrugged a bit. "Well, I guess I wouldn't say no to him"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she finished pouring the water."Enjoy everyone."

"So if you have to fuck any of the stars from Once Upon a Time, who would you pick?" Luciana asked with a grin.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion walked to the wall and leaned against it as he watched over the kids.

Andre frowned a little, "So far? Either Emilie de Ravin or Meghan Ory.... So Belle or Ruby." He looked at her, "Obviously Hook is one of yours... Who else?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta stood next to Damion while the children ate.

"Belle and Ruby are hot." Luciana smiled." And the Mad Hatter."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at her and smiled a little, "I'm glad there are so many people here to help with these guys... I'm not sure we could manage bath time without some help."

Andre smiled a little, "I could see you liking him.Prince Charming too pretty for you?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Yes, bath time would be a bit much just for us to handle." She chuckled.

Luciana smirked."I'm the Princess of Hell, I like bad boys. Like the really dangerous kind. Prince Charming is way to nice and good."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little as they looked over the kids. Once dinner was finished he helped round the kids up and get them headed towards the bedrooms.

Andre chuckled at that and shrugged with a nod. "I guess so... Hey, I'm starving. You want Chinese or Pizza? Or something else..?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta cleared down the table and put the dishes on the trolley and wheeled it to the kitchen.

Luciana smiled."Sure. I'm hungry."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion helped get half of the kids to bed while the other half were ushered to the baths.

Andre smiled, "Well, what would you like?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta went upstairs to the bedrooms and helped Damion put the children to bed.

"How about we order one pizza and a nice verity of Chinese food." Luciana smiled.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion was getting them tucked in, putting each kid's fear to ease. He was a bit sad that the kids couldn't be back at school, with their own things and in their own beds.

Andre nodded a little and gently moved her feet as he went to the kitchen. He frowned at the snacks on the counter and shrugged, thinking that he must have forgotten to put some away. He grabbed the takeout menus and walked back to her, "Here, you pick the Chinese and I'll get a couple pizzas."

Antoinette was on the roof, talking to herself. "You have to find a more sensible crush.." She was scolding herself as she paced back and forth on the broad ledge. "Like... Like Damion," She grimaced, "No, he's for Rosetta... How about Claude? Maybe? I mean he's handsome... And not an asshole." She sighed a bit and sat down, legs hanging over the edge, "Or maybe you should just marry Alexandre because you're shit at talking to new people and you have to marry someone... Not that Wrath would've married you even if he did like you.. He'd probably just fuck you and leave you.." She put her head in her hands, "Do NOT start thinking about that Antoinette."

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta read a bedtime story to some of the children then she tucked them in. She waved her fingers to make sleeping poppies around the beds so the children could sleep.

Luciana took the menus and looked over them."Just totally pig out." She smiled.

Claude was on the balcony and he could hear a voice."Hello?"

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion left the room once the kids were tucked in and the lights turned out.

Andre nodded a bit, "We should order for Wrath and Antoinette too. Or they can have our left overs." He chuckled softly

Antoinette jumped a little and looked around on the roof. Then she looked down and saw Claude on the balcony bellow her. She pulled her feet up and shifted so she was on her stomach."Up here." She said from above him.

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta left the bedroom once the lights got turned off and she smiled at Damion down the hallway.

"Sounds like a good idea." Luciana smiled as she looked at the menu.

Claude used the air to float into the air and sat next to her."Whats up? Your sad."

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and started down the hall to her.

Andre looked at the pizza menu and picked a couple pizzas, plus decided to order just regular cheese. Anything they didn't eat they could give to others so it wouldn't go bad.

Antoinette sat up once he was next to her and just shrugged. "Honestly, it's really stupid with everything that's going on to be worried about my choice in men... My cousin's right though... It's like I live in this little bubble and nothing but him matters.." She looked at CLaude, wondering if she should say who she was talking about, or maybe it was obvious to everyone.

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled at him as he walks towards her.

Luciana chose set meal D which was enough to feed about five people.

Claude smiled and nodded."The bubble is what my parents call true love. When you feel that bubble with that person then never let them go. I know Wrath is a tough man but I see the way he looks at you. He does love you but you know he's Wrath." He shrugged.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion walked up to her, "Alright, that went better than I thought.."

Andre pulled out his phone and called the pizza place.

Antoinette looked at him and then down to the ground far below them. She frowned softly, "I just... I don't know if I like the thought of being uncaring about other's feelings just because he comes into the room." She admitted softly, "But it's like he overloads my senses when he's near..." She looked at him, "Have you ever felt that way?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah it did." Rosetta smiled as wrapped her arms around his hips, hugging him.

Luciana called the Chinese take out place and placed an order.

"Yeah the bubble will do that to you. No, I've never felt like that before. I do hope one day I will but until then I will help you win Wrath over." Claude grinned.

2015-12-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her and smiled a little, resting his head on hers. Then he frowned.

After placing the order Andre let the guards know to look out for food coming in from two people.

Antoinette sighed at that, then tilted her head to the side. "You're going to help me win him over? How?"

2015-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at him, a worried look came across her face when she saw him frown."Whats wrong, Teddy? Why so sad?"

Luciana stretched out on the sofa after she hung up with take out place."Food will be here within the next 30 minutes."

Claude smiled."Easy. Just be honest with him and don't take no. Show him that you want him to be yours, prince of hell and all."

2015-12-30 [GlamGamer]: [Sorry! Thought I responded to this. lol... I definitely did in my head.]

Damion shook his head, this wasn't something he should or could say to her. "Just got tired all of a sudden." For affect he gave a big yawn

Andre nodded, "Pizza will be 40." He looked to the show and paused it, "Ok.. Do you know what's happening? Or should I rewind it?"

Antoinette thought about that. She actually had an idea forming now. She smiled a little and looked at him, "Thank you Claude.. When did you get so smart about romance anyway?"

2015-12-30 [Cerulean Sins]: [no worries lol :) ]

Rosetta narrowed her eyes a little."Your such a lier, Teddy." she said softly.

"Rewind it."Luciana said as she leaned over Andre to grab her soda.

"Well I have like six sisters and my god mother is a cupid. It kind of got drummed into my head since birth." Claude chuckled.

2015-12-31 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "It's nothing to worry about, I promise. I really am just tired."

Andre nodded, grabbing the remote and rewinding to a point he remembered.

Antoinette laughed softly, "Oh, yeah that would make you a bit of an expert."

2015-12-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned at him.

Luciana sipped her soda.

Claude chuckled."Yeah I guess so."

2015-12-31 [GlamGamer]: "Don't give me that look Rose, I'm fine." he kissed the top of hee head quickly, "Let's go eat.. I'm hungry again.." he chuckled softly.

Andre tried to actually pay attention to the show.

Antoinette leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Claude.." she turned and stoid on the roof. "You know, I could suggest a few girls if you'd like?"

2015-12-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sighed softly."Fine. Lets go feed you, Teddy." She grabbed his hand and walked to the kitchen. She wondered what he was hiding from her but she wouldn't stop until she found out.

Luciana curled up on the sofa, she put her legs back onto his lap.

Claude smiled."Thanks, Antoinette but I do pretty good with the girls."

2015-12-31 [GlamGamer]: Damion walked with her, "Ice cream." he grinned a little, knowing that the topic of whether or not he should have any would be enough to distract her a little. "Oo... Or a giant milkshake..."

Andre rested his hands over her legs, small frown on his face as he listened to thw show. He was still trying to get the characters right.

Antoinette thought about that and chuckled softly, "That you do.." she smiled, "See you later. I have a Wrath to pester."

2016-01-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay. You can have ice cream but it will be the gluten free, dairy free vegan approved ice cream." Rosetta smirked slightly. She loved to tease Damion about healthy options.

"Okay so Cora is Regina's mother who is trying to get to storybrook to be with her daughter. Also to destroy any hopes of Regina having a happy ending. Hook is trying to kill Mister Gold." Luciana explained a little for him.

"Good Luck."Claude smiled.

2016-01-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion rolled his eyes, "Most icecream is glutten free and I'm not having vegan anything." he shook his head.

Andre nodded a little, "Right... So they're all fighting over a book?"

Antoinette sighed, "Thanks." She smiled a little and walked back inside. She went back to the gym, shaking her head a little with how loud the music was. She walked in and looked around, picking up the wrap for her knuckles.

2016-01-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes you are. Vegan ice cream is very nice." Rosetta smiled.

"Not really. That's the first season and then the 5th season. This is season 2. So Emma and her mum, Snow, are stuck in the Enchanted Forest and they have to try and get back to storybrook before Cora and Hook does. Cora wants to take over Storybrook so Regina can be the evilest queen ever. Then once that adventure is over they go to Neverland!" Luciana smiled brightly.

Wrath was in the small back training room with music blasting as he trained.

2016-01-01 [GlamGamer]: "No, vegan icecream is made with the tears of aad children and cloyds of unhappiness." Damion shook his head.

Andre nodded a little, "Right.. Got it."

Antoinette walked oto the room, turning the music down. "Spar with me? Everyone else is to scared... In here, music up." She promised

2016-01-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't be dramatic, Teddy."Rosetta patted his cheek as they walked.

"Cora is such a bitch." Luciana said as she watched the tv.

Wrath turned around and looked at Antoinette."No."

2016-01-01 [GlamGamer]: "I'm always dramatic. I'm a bear... Have you met my brothers?" he chuckled softly.

Andre frowned a bit and nodded, "She really is."

Antoinette sighed softly, "Please Wrath? I need to learn.. You wont always be there to sace the day you know."

2016-01-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled."Yes, I have met them. I grew up with them."

Luciana nodded.

Wrath sighed loudly."Fine."

2016-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled, "Well then, you know how we are."

Andre looked at her as she watched the show and smiled a little.

Antoinette nodded and turned the music back up, as promised. Then she walked to the center of the room, taking a sparing stance.. Honestly she just hoped this plan could go well.

2016-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta giggled.

Luciana tossed some popcorn at the screen when Cora and Hook managed to get to Storybrook."Boo!"

Wrath turned the music down."Now listen up, Princess, I need you to understand that defending yourself is important."

2016-01-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a bit and walked into the kitchen, going to the freezer. "Ah, bummer, no nasty sugar-free, dairy-free, tasteless stuff here."

Andre scowled at the tv.

Antoinette got out of stance and crossed her arms, opening her mouth to give a response to that.. But, well, she was positive that her original response would just start a fight between them. Or he'd walk away. She bit her tongue and then nodded, "I understand Wrath. Which is why I came to you... I trust you."

2016-01-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta pouted."Damn and I really wanted ice cream."

"Well looks like shit is going to hit the fan."Luciana sighed as the episode went to credits.

Wrath raised an eyebrow at her."Punch me."

2016-01-05 [GlamGamer]: "Oh there's icecream, its just not that nasty crap you call icecream." He grinned and started pulling out the different flavors. "There is sherbert though.."

Andre nodded a bit,"Guess so.. But it is a drama, so it's bound to have some.."

Antoinette looked hesitant at first, but then shrugged and pulled back, aiming a punch for his jaw.

2016-01-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head."I'll just have a fruit salad." She grabbed some fruit out of the fridge and she started chopping them up.

"No shit Sherlock."Luciana smirked.

Wrath waited for her fist to hit his jaw. He needed to know how strong she was.

2016-01-05 [GlamGamer]: Damion just chuckled softly and started making up his bowl of icecream.

Andre just chuckled softly and shrugged a bit, starting the next episode.

Antoinette hit him pretty hard, it wasnt as hard as his sister could hit, but she wasn't completely helpless either.

2016-01-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta soon finished chopping up apples, bananas, grapes, mango, raspberries and strawberries. She poured some sugar-free, dairy-free and vegan yogurt then she poured some honey on top with some chopped nuts."Yummy." She smiled.

Luciana shifted on the sofa so she was laying on the sofa, her legs laying on Andre's lap.

Wrath's head moved a bit then he looked at Antoinette."Not bad for a fairy."

2016-01-05 [GlamGamer]: Damion finished creating his icecream bowl. He had three different icecreams- double chocolate, cookies'n'creme, and coffee with chocolate and nuts- then he'd put chocolate drizzle and whipped creme on top.

Andre relaxed back into the sofa.

Antoinette shrugged a little, "I'm not very big and I'm not very strong."

2016-01-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at his bowl of ice cream and was slightly jealous but she shook her head."Your going to die young if you keep eating all that." She teased.

Luciana got half way through the episode until she fell asleep on him.

"We'll work on your strength."Wrath said.

2016-01-05 [GlamGamer]: "Maybe, but at least I'll be happy and not sad." Damion smiled a little and added a cherry, "There, now it has fruit."

Andre looked at her and smiled a little, leaving her to sleep as he changed it to a different show so she wouldn't miss anything.

Antoinette nodded, "Okay, but how would I use someone's strength against them.. Like to get them on the ground?"

2016-01-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled as she shook her head.

Luciana nuzzled her face against the pillow.

"Force your weight against there weight at the weakest spot." Wrath said with a shrug.

2016-01-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned a little and grabbed his bowl while moving out of the kitchen.

Andre talked to a guard on the phone, who got the food for them and brought it in.

Antoinette raised a brow, "Which means...?"

2016-01-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta grabbed her bowl and followed Damion.

Luciana rolled over onto her front as she slept.

"Everyone has a weak spot. So for example you could force your weight against it to disable them." Wrath explained the best he could.

2016-01-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion found a couch and sat down with her.

Andre watched her, making sure she didn't fall off the couch as she rolled around.

Antoinette nodded a little, thinking about it. He'd once showed her a moved that would work on a person his size. She took a deep breath and moved quickly, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward before pushing him back and knocking his legs out from under him. They both went down, with her on top of him. She sat up a little and grinned, "Like that?"

((Hope that's okay >.< lol))

2016-01-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sat next to Damion and tucked into her health sundae.

Luciana woke up when she sniffed food then moved up until she was kneeing on Andre's lap."Food." She smiled sleepily.

Wrath grunted when he hit the floor and looked up at Antoinette."Yes."

2016-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Damion was happily eating his icecream.

Andre grunted softly, carefully moving her knees so she wasn't smashing his groin. "Yeah, just got here."

Antoinette nodded a little, "Good." And before she lost her nerve she leaned down and kissed him.

2016-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "So when do you think the war will be over?" Rosetta asked.

"Sorry."Luciana smiled at him as she got off his lap.

Wrath was surprised but against his better judgement he kissed her back. He knew it was a mistake.

2016-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned a little, "Hopefully soon since Lilith got involved. And she's not happy from what Wrath was telling us."

Andre shrugged a bit, "It's alright. I don't think I should have kids anyway." He chuckled softly and stiid. He pulled out his phone and texted Antoinette to tell her there was food.

Antoinette held the kiss for a moment, brushing her fingers over his jaw to place her hand on his cheek. When she broke the kiss she pulled back a little, a small smile in her lips, "See, that wasn't so bad." she whispered, rolling off of him. She looked at her phone, "Your sister ordered Chinese and Pizza.. It's dow stairs."

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned."Hopefully soon but school will still be closed until they can rebuild it and get more staff. Hell the school will be lucky if my parents even send me back there."

Luciana rolled her eyes."So dramatic."

"You go ahead. I'll catch up soon enough." Wrath said as he stood up.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion sighed a little, "It wasn't the school's fault.. But it will probably take a few years to rebuild it. By then we'll both have graduated."

Andre grinned a bit, "Me, dramatic? Never."

"Apparently it was that bad." Antoin ette muttered and sighed, she stood up and left the room.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "But to graduate I'll have to go to a Nymph school and you'll have to go to a shifter school."Rosetta frowned,she put her bowl on the coffee table and hugged Damion tightly."I don't want that to happen!"

Luciana rolled her eyes and she got the food out of the bags.

Wrath watched her go then he sighed and sat down.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her tightly, "I'm sure a Nymph school has protectors. Maybe they'll let me finish school and training there."

Andre got up and looked at the food over her shoulder. He already knew what kind of pizza there was.

Antoinette sighed a little and looked at the ceiling for a moment. She shook her head a bit, she would just have to keep trying. At least he'd kissed her back. Maybe if she hadn't broken the kiss..

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head."They only allow Nymph Protectors in." She sighed loudly as she held onto him."Promise you'll text me everyday."

Luciana took all the lids off the Chinese food and dumped the lids into the bag, she opened the pizza boxes.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned a little, "I'll stand outside the school gates and sing, every night.. It might be terrible, but I'll do it."

Andre finally grabbed out some plates, looking over when Antoinette walked in. "Hey cuz."

Antoinette smiled, "Hi.. Thanks for ordering dinner... But did we need this much?" She chuckled softly.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta laughed softly."Thats sweet Teddy." She kissed his cheek.

Luciana grinned."Yes we need this amount of food."

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and kissed her cheek in return

Antoinette chuckled, "If you say so." She looked around at the different food and finally decided on Chinese.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled happily, cuddling him.

Luciana grinned and grabbed a couple of slices of pizza.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion kept his arms around her and let out a soft sigh.

Andre grabbed a little pizza and Chinese. Then he went back to the couch.

Antoinette got her food and drink and went to the living room, sitting down.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Whats wrong Teddy?" Rosetta asked as she looked up at him.

Luciana sat next to Andre, munching on the pizza.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at her and just smiled a little, "Just thinking.. Hurts my brain."

Andre started their show again.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Teddy...your lying again."Rosetta said softly.

Luciana smiled as she munched on the pizza.

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: "You're right... It doesn't hurt my brain." Damion grinned a bit.

Antoinette picked at her food, not really paying attention to the show.

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta playfully punched his arm."Tell me what is brothering you so much."

Luciana looked at Antoinette."Whats the matter, Antoinette?"

2016-01-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion pouted a little, "Hey now..." He looked at her though and gave a soft sigh. "Why are our families so against my brother being with your cousin? If they're meant to be mates... What does anything else mater? Both of our races only gets one shot at it."

Antoinette looked over, "What? Oh I'm sorry, just... Day dreaming."

2016-01-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned a little. "Well its because your brother is a protector and my cousin is who he protects. Its against the hunter law for that happened. Well unless they really are soul mates. If she dreams of him and each other gets a mark on their hand then yes the law won't apply....however if that doesn't happen then....well big trouble. Why do you ask, Teddy?"

"Day dreaming about what?" Luciana asked slowly as she narrows her eyes.

2016-01-13 [GlamGamer]: Damion was quiet for a moment, "He doesn't have to be her protector. He just doesn't trust anyone else for the job.. I'm asking because... Charlie can't get a mate marker, not again.. He found a mate when he was still in school, I'm the only one in our family that knows it happened.. The girl, she.... She committed suicide instead of telling her parents. She was that ashamed that she'd mated with a Grizzly bear... She was one of the few female polar bear shifters left... Charlie was heartbroken, he almost didn't finish school, but then your cousin came along." He frowned, "There's no record of someone getting a second mating mark.. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love her."

Antoinette sighed a little and shrugged, "You'll laugh... But I was day dreaming about what it would be like to be a pirate.. No rules. Sunshine and blue water." She smiled and shrugged again, "Stupid I know." Except that it was all a lie.

2016-01-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta gasped softly."That is awful!" She frowned."I know they love each other but unless they can prove it then they can't be together or....they could be banished. Banished from their families, friends and everything they have ever know just so they can be together. They'd have to live in the human world."

"I smell bullshit."Luciana grinned."What is really going on, babe?"

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